We approach the design at a new strategic scale of intervention between the the urban and the architectural scale, during which we define the transformations that form the Urban Fragments. We use the notion of “Urban Ensemble”, a complex of buildings that interact in their composition so as to create new urban spaces of quality for the life of man, both collective and individual.

Inclusive Neighborhoods

The design should promote civic participation and appropriation of spaces by both the older and younger generations leading towards cities and neighborhoods which are accessible, safe, vibrant and inclusive for children, youth, families, adults and the elderlies as well as being able to address a wide range of needs.

Development by Steps

Planning the development by steps allows to better adapt the building to the users and their needs in that moment, for example addressing more efficiently the housing demand. The development of a fragment by steps can also allows the construction of new buildings, without the need to move the current inhabitants elsewhere during the construction phase.

Compact Buildings For A Mixed-City

Designing compact buildings could allow a more efficient, varied and long-lived use of the spaces of the city, enabling them to adapt to different uses, users and needs at the same time or over a longer time frame, contributing to create a more social and green city.

Sustainable Fragments

The increasing urbanity of human lives lowers the daily chances to access the natural environment, strengthening the separation between the natural environment and people. We belive a good design can foster this relationship by shaping environmentally, economically and socially resilient surroundings for the inhabitants without compromising the needs of the future generation to thrive in the same environment and use the local climate as a tool to lower the fragment ecological impact.

Green Spaces

The increasing urbanity of human lives lowers the daily chances to access the natural environment, strengthening the separation between the natural environment and people. We belive a good design can foster this relationship: our projects create new green areas and connections to wider green surfaces, strengtheting the green network of the city.

Compact mixed-use neighbourhoods

Our design find in having a strong urban character a core value. We aim to create neighborhoods that glows with urban living while creating an atmosphere of high intensity of the “present”, without being bound to the fashion of the moment, creating a permanent value for the future. Compact mixed-use neighbourhoods contribute to increase the likelihood of spontaneous encounters and access to different cultural, recreational, educational, housing, work activities and so on, aiming to foster interaction and security while reducing segregation.

Compact City through Mixed-Buildings

There is a strong need for the urban design to aim towards a more compact city able to allow and promote different life styles and more sustainable means of transport, while requiring that also buildings should concentrated more housing, working, entertainment and social spaces through a new functional mixitè.